Wednesday, August 15, 2012

the name game

On the way home from daycare, Little Miss J chatters away in the backseat saying, "bye-bye" to each person individually. Bye bye Beckett, bye bye Carmen, bye bye Ian, and so on. This goes on for the whole way home until we get a block from our house when she starts yelling for Carl. Yesterday, we couldn't tell whether she was saying "bye bye Gary" or "bye bye Gabby." So this morning, we asked Miss Desiree if there was a child named Gary or Gabby - and as it turns out there is indeed a little girl at daycare named Gabby. Miss Desiree told us that Little Miss J is really good with names and already knows the names of all her friends. Today she even recognized the car of one of her little friends, yelling "bye bye Beckett" until Beckett's mom rolled down the window so Little Miss J could see Beckett wave bye bye to her. The question is, if she's so good with names, why does she still get Umma and Appah confused?

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