Friday, August 10, 2012

settling in

One weekend, approximately 100 boxes, and at least four trips to Ikea and Target each, we are finally settling in. Cable and internet were installed on Monday and we've got about 5 boxes left to unpack,which is always the hardest, right? We need to hang some pictures/artwork on the walls, and of course I'll need to do some closet organizing. But overall, it's starting to come together.

Gus and I have been at our respective jobs for a week and a half with Little Miss J at daycare. We all seem to be getting into a groove. After work, the typical routine is to play outside in the yard with Carl until Little Miss J does something naughty that lands her back in the house. Overall, I love the relaxing feeling of sitting outside while Little Miss J explores the backyard and Carl tears around rolling in the grass like he hasn't really been outside in a year and a half. Oh wait, he hasn't.
The tree-lined streets of our neighborhood remind me of South Minneapolis or maybe even Northfield. We've tried out some local restaurants nearby and there are several more on my list. I love living only a few miles from Trader Joe's and we're within walking distance of two parks.
Life is good. We're living the dream. Now if only I could get Little Miss J to stop playing the Muffin Man song.

1 comment:

rach said...

Welcome to your new ''digs"". Between the last post and this one, it sounds as though you are transitioning well. Extra points for the great landlords and great welcome they gave. Moving on to new places can be overwhelming, especially with a baby in tow! Always good to hear of happy beginnings! Coffee cheers to your new adventures in Sacramento. Lived there for a small travel nurse stint. Really enjoyed it.. and its proximity to other adventures, Tahoe, San Fran, etc......