Sunday, January 23, 2011


Up until yesterday Baby J has been pretty ambivalent about the pacifier. It definitely wasn't the sure fire way to get her to calm down. Over the past 24 hours she's actually sucked on that thing pretty regularly. We stayed in a hotel last night while Gus was refinishing the floors in our house. She laid on the bed, calmly sucking away, and playing with her blankie. This morning I laid her down with the pacifier and her blanket and she eventually even fell asleep. It was kind of amazing. Usually she will get whiny and you'll have to hold her, rock her, walk around with her, tap her back, etc., until she finally falls asleep. Then the challenge becomes setting her down and having her stay asleep. This falling asleep by herself thing is sure going to come in handy. Since I'm blogging about it, I've probably already jinxed it. Going to knock on some wood now ...

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