Wednesday, January 15, 2020

gus runs a (half) marathon

He's not Brittany. And he didn't run a marathon. Nor did they make a movie about him. BUT, Gus finished his first ever half marathon this past fall. Good job Gus!

We were scheduled to run Monterey Bay Half last year, but due to fire and smoke all we got was a weekend in Monterey with a trip to the aquarium. We did, however, run into fellow Carleton swammers Carrie, who was also escaping the smoke, and Karin. So, it wasn't all in vain.

This year though, it actually happened. We didn't run together, train together, or even start in the same corral, so the whole effort was kind of futile in terms of relationship-building, but whatever. I had fun. I think Gus had fun, although I'm not sure he would do it again.

The course was beautiful. Running by the ocean is one of my favorite things.

We hung out with some friends at the start.

Gus PR-ed. I mean because really, how could he not? So did I.

And there are even cute pictures of us together for social media. Because if there weren't, then did it really even happen?

Did he like it? I don't know. Will he do another? You'll have to ask him ...

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