Monday, December 19, 2016

GS Kids

Both kids participated in the Christmas pageant---one much more willingly than the other.

J1 was a wise person. She had a few lines and had to sing a couple solos. She practiced and practiced until she had it down cold. Remind you of anyone, Ralph? She did such a good job and I was proud mama bear.

J2 is in the newly formed Lambchops class, which is for the preschool age kids. Of which the majority of them are 2-3 year old boys. God bless the teachers of that class. They all had a good time marching around the sanctuary shaking their bells ... but when they came out in animal costumes ... completely different story. I think every single one of them (at least the ones that didn't flat out refuse to even put it on) was trying to rip said costume off, some much more dramatically than others. Tears were most certainly involved.

Little Lambchop!
J2 managed to hold his sh*t together until communion. After Pastor Todd (he's an Olaf alum, but we still like him) blessed him, he sort of just stood there waiting for a communion wafer. When said wafer was not forthcoming, he lost it. He acted as though we were getting a snack and weren't sharing with him. Poor kid. Thankfully, his well prepared Halmoni had some chocolate in her purse and we avoided further meltdown.

After the service, J1 was so excited to see her Auntie Rachael.

I am really in love with the children's ministry at our church---and this past Sunday was a perfect example of why.

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