Thursday, August 11, 2016

birthday monster

A couple weeks ago there were three birthdays to celebrate in as many days. This was enough to put the J2 attention whore birthday monster right.over.the.edge.

First was super fun pool party for a newly minted three year old---complete with Chipotle (yum, guacamole!) and Merleno's freeze, which I just discovered last year but should be a summertime staple for everyone here. I added some Sierra Nevada---but vodka was also popular. Either way, it is yummy. J2 was relatively well behaved for the singing and cake. He did pronounce it was "MY BIRTHDAY" and did get a bit agitated when we had the gall to sing, "Happy Birthday, Ariel" rather than "Happy Birthday, J2" But he quickly managed to forget is angst when presented with a piece of cake.

Then we headed to the new Korean BBQ place for my mother-in-law's birthday. I thought it was good, and it must have been because I have seriously never seen my mother-in-law eat that much food. Ever. By the time we got to the second round of meat, I could barely put anything more in my mouth and she was ordering more jjigae.

In spite of impending food coma, we decided to shove more food in our stomachs and brought out the cheesecake at home. Two birthdays that weren't his in one day was just too much for J2. He screamed, cried, grabbed, etc. declaring it HIS BIRTHDAY---and despite my desperate wish not to give in---we lit the candles and sang to him. Not once. Not twice. BUT FOUR TIMES!

Finally, when he started insisting on a fifth round, I took him in his room where he went completely nuclear---hysterically crying to the point of near hyperventilation. He did finally calm down, but would revert to sniffles of "Umma say not my birthday---make me sad," every so often. And of course, Little Miss J, who really doesn't care that she isn't getting the attention---of course gets offended only because J2 gets to blow out candles and she does not. Argh.

By the time we got to birthday #3 on Sunday, he seemed to be OK with the fact that it wasn't his birthday.

And while we didn't ruin the birthday party by hijacking the candles, we did forget to bring the gift. Sorry, Millie!

If J2 got a year older every time he proclaimed it was his birthday, he'd be three times as old as me. It's like dog years.

Oh and I went to Costco, not once, not twice, but THREE times that weekend. Good times.

1 comment:

battlemaiden said...

Awwww, that's so cute.