Tuesday, August 2, 2016

accidents happen

I've had a bit of a vacation hangover for the past several weeks. It's been hard to get back into running, working and eating healthy since we got back from a week of decompressing in Minnesota. I finally made it to a morning run last Monday and have been slowly creeping my way back ever since.

I accidentally ended up going for a run this morning. Last night, I laid out my clothes and set my alarm for 4:30 a.m. It was already close to 10:00 p.m. and I really thought that in 6.5 hours I was going to dial in it, turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. I didn't respond to the Facebook invite because that in and of itself would typically make me feel obligated.

But when my alarm buzzed, I had to go to the bathroom anyway. Then since I was up, I thought could meet my friends for a run. So I changed out of my pajamas. Then I sat on the couch for awhile still considering whether I was really going to go or not. Usually, I'd run to the park and take Carl Rove. This time, given the fact that I was reconsidering my decision to go at every turn, I decided to give myself some reprieve and drove the 0.98 miles to the park sans dog.

It took some serious fortitude, but I showed up for my friends and got three morning miles in complete with a little sprinkler shower.

Eenie, meanie, minie, moe ... thanks for the run ladies! What can I say? Accidents happen.


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