Wednesday, August 10, 2016

the dessert

On our recent adventure in glamping, we stumbled upon the farmer's market in Nevada City and picked up some rhubarb. My mom used to make this lovely rhubarb dessert. She liked it. I mean, she really liked it. And this is one of my favorite mom stories ...

She made said dessert and we ate said dessert for dessert one evening---leaving only half of said dessert left in the pan. She later ate the remainder of said dessert because, well, as I mentioned, she liked it. To cover up the fact that she had eaten half a pan of said dessert, she baked another and ate half of it. LOL. And likely would have gotten away with it, but it's such a good story you simply have to tell it, right?

Last night, Little Miss J and I baked the dessert.

I looked on Pinterest and found some recipes that appeared to be similar, but not quite the same. And then ... the gates of heaven opened up and I found the Cascade Methodist Church cookbook, where my mom hid some of her favorite recipes---including the lasagna recipe. So this isn't just "like" the dessert this IS the dessert.

I will tell you that I didn't eat the remainder of this after everyone went to bed, but you may never know. I am my mother's daughter, after all.

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