Monday, September 9, 2013

settling in

Gus's parents moved here in mid-August and we are settling into a new routine. Last week was the first week that they did the whole daycare thing. We've cut Little Miss J back to three half days at preschool and the remainder of the time she's with her grandparents. At first I was a little bit nervous because she's been doing so well at preschool/daycare that I didn't want to derail any of her learning, but so far it has been life changing. She's at preschool for the curriculum portion and then at home getting lavished with attention by her grandparents. By the time we get home from work, she's exhausted but happy. There were days after we picked her up where she would whine in the car all. the. way. home. Thank goodness we only live a mile from the daycare! These days she's so happy to see us arrive home and is so sweet saying goodbye to her grandparents. Overall, I think she has been much more pleasant and cooperative in the evenings and I give all the credit to her grandparents!

Having them so close has meant many fringe benefits for Gus and me, as well. An unexpected trip to the hospital on Saturday evening (nothing to worry about, folks), and they were just a phone call away. They live less than 3 miles from us so they could just come on over and watch Little Miss J at a moment's notice. Gus and I have gone to one happy hour and got an overnight trip in a few weeks ago. Plus, they are always feeding us! The past two Sundays they have invited us over for dinner and many days during the week they leave us food in our refrigerator. So nice to not have to cook, and Gus is in heaven with all the Korean food!

Most importantly, I have been overjoyed to see how much Little Miss J and her grandparents enjoy each other. Little Miss J has become very attached and adjusted to her grandparents in just this short period of time. They are so great playing with her - coloring, sidewalk chalk, jumping rope, playing dance school, catch etc. I imagine it is exhausting for them but I am so happy that they are willing to do all these things with her.

We are very blessed to have family so close. I only saw my grandparents once or twice a year growing up, so I am thrilled that Little Miss J is able to have such a close relationship with her paternal grandparents. Wonder if I could get my parents to winter in California ...

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