Sunday, November 6, 2011

a sunday well spent brings a week of content

Mr. Chunglund and I don't get many days off at the same time so we try to make the most of them. My Sunday Funday started with some delicious Bloody Marys. We had dim sum for brunch and then drove around looking at some Phoenix neighborhoods while Little Miss J napped. This afternoon we went to Gymboree so Little Miss J could play and then hit the mall for some walking around. We even let Little Miss J ride the merry go round.
She loved it so much that when we took her off after her first ride and started walking away, she made a break for it - running straight back toward the merry go round. So, being the softies that we are, we let her go again. I mean really. How do you say no to that chubby little face?
 Well, we obviously had to draw the line somewhere ... and this is what happened. I guess we now know that Little Miss J likes the carousel.
Tonight we are chilling at home watching football and I'm making caramelized onion stuffed BBQ meatloaf with mashed potatoes. A perfect fall Sunday!

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