Wednesday, November 9, 2016

i want to ... but i don't

I want to post about politics. But in the same breath I don't. I have drafted and revised responses to some of the social media posts I have seen throughout the day---ultimately deleting them because I simply didn't want to get sucked into a pointless dialogue.

I didn't vote for Hillary. I didn't vote for Trump---which leaves me vilified by the left for throwing away my vote. I didn't not vote for Hillary because I am a misogynistic, racist, bigot. And fear not, I live in California where they called the state for Hillary 5.6 seconds after the polls closed.

I was disappointed in the election---both sides. There was bullying and hate mongering on every level. The left did such a good job of disparaging Trump and his potential supporters, that they didn't even realize such people existed. Look at the results. How incredibly wrong the pollsters were is absolutely staggering.

I am disappointed in the results. Although to be honest, I had a hard time wrapping my head around either result. I am disappointed the glass ceiling continues on. I am disappointed in the reactions I have witnessed. It wasn't until today, the day after the election---the day we were all waiting for so we could stop talking about it and get back to posting about our dogs and kids on social media---that I actually unfollowed people on Facebook. Moreover, I am disappointed in the fact that a certain faction of people think they are somehow blameless in the events that have transpired. To think there were enough Americans so disenfranchised by the governmental process to vote for Trump means that we, as a country, have somehow failed. Again, look at the results. 45% of white college educated women voted for Trump. That is not insignificant. Something is wrong. No one is blameless. And everyone will experience the consequences---good or bad. Let's not become further divided by acting like one somehow above the fray because one didn't vote for him.

And here, again, is where I will depart from the majority of the people who populate my Facebook newsfeed, I will not allow the individual elected as president---regardless of gender---to teach my children kindness, respect, honesty, ethics, etc. That is MY job. And rest assured I take that job very seriously. My house, not the White House, will be where my children learn these lessons.

I typically stick to non-controversial subjects like my adorable children. I am pretty sure most of my friends don't actually realize how deeply some of my conservative convictions lie---because it's personal and it is truly unlikely that you will change my mind on certain subjects, which is why I never felt the need to leave social media during election season. The bait was never worth rising to. I guess what I'm saying is that if my political persuasion has somehow changed your opinion of me, I get it.

And really, don't get me wrong. This was neither the result you or I wanted or expected. But it is overwhelmingly telling of the broken-ness of our system. And it is a call that we need to do better---which of course we can and we will. Even the Democratic champion, the one the left thought was untouchable, has said ... "We owe [Donald Trump] an open mind and the chance to lead." Instead of the fear mongering and scare tactics, let's follow the lead of the woman, who the popular vote thought would lead this country to greatness. Let's all be better than the other side expects us to be, regardless of what side that is.

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