J2 has been slower than his sister to master the skill of sitting independently and I had been sort of waiting for that to happen before we started in on the solids. I guess Gus had other ideas and bought a bunch of purees for the little man to try. Yes, we bought them. Don't judge. Little Miss J got all homemade pureed foods. The burden of being the second child. Sorry, J2.
Last weekend we started with winter squash. Took him a little bit to get used to the whole swallowing thing.
Look Ma, squash! |
What! Huh? |
But by this weekend, he was eating like a champ. He polished off an entire pouch of pears, peas and broccoli in one sitting. He was even getting feisty because I wasn't shoveling it in his mouth fast enough. And boy, you should have seen the big tears when I had to take a break to get the pasta off the stove.
So far, he's not such a fan of spinach purees or ones with rutabega. Can't really blame him on the rutabega though. I find it to be an acquired taste, as well. But anyway, looks like we lucked out with two good little eaters!
1 comment:
wow, you gave J all homemade purees? Neither of my kids got ANYthing homemade.
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