Wednesday, January 15, 2014

there's something about sara

Sara is the kind of person who stays with you forever. I don't even recall exactly how I met Sara, and even when we lived in close geographic proximity (in comparison to how far away we are now), I don't know how often we actually saw each other. We probably met at a swim meet and really only saw each other at other swim meets or the track meet. And yes, I meant singular on the track meet - I was considerably less talented at track than I was at swimming (and by considerably less I mean I sucked pretty miserably) so my career as a runner/jumper/thrower of things lasted for only a few weeks during which I probably had to show off my less than mediocre skills in a competition of some fashion. That, however, is neither here nor there and if I was Sara's husband would have probably put that in a footnote.

My point is that Sara has made a lasting impression on me even though we never got to spend that much time together. A little over a year ago, we found our way back to each other through Facebook - which is probably surprising to no one since Facebook is good way to stalk ex-boyfriends find old friends. Prior to that, I couldn't tell you when I saw her or spoke to her last. Despite not communicating with her for so many years, I remember her bubbly personality and her infectious grin. I remember her being a little bit hyper and talking a little too fast - but what I remember most is that Sara was a genuinely positive and down to earth person. Someone who was always fun to be around. I looked forward to every opportunity I had to see her.

Flashforward to now and I am slowly but surely catching up with Sara and her family on Facebook. She still likes to ham it up for the camera and is now a supermom to four beautiful children. Our interaction on Facebook is still limited - a quick message here or a "like" of a photo or status update - but in spite of its limits I can still tell she is the same girl I remember. She is still a person that I would look forward to spending time with.

The impetus behind this post was this - a guest him (in a strictly platonic not creepy adulterous kind of way). I have my own husband, who probably wouldn't write like this, but would actually do the same things if we were in a similar situation. Hell, Gus does many of those things for me now and I'm perfectly healthy ... at least physically. Again, this would probably be a footnote. But it isn't. Deal with it. All those years ago, I fell in love with Sara's personality so it shouldn't suprise me that she has found an amazing person with whom to share her life. There's just something about Sara.

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