Wednesday, August 21, 2013

false alarm

Monday around lunchtime, I started having some contractions. They continued throughout the night preventing a good night's sleep and throughout the morning/early afternoon on Tuesday. Being the veteran pregnant lady that I am, I did not go to the hospital Monday night. I had a regularly scheduled OB appointment on Tuesday at which I figured she'd check me and tell me that I wasn't progressing and therefore, it was probably just Braxton Hicks. With Little Miss J, we were calling the nurse line pretty regularly and were in the hospital to be monitored twice. This time we seem to be much more laid back ... perhaps too laid back. When I arrived at the doctor's office yesterday afternoon, I was still having contractions and basically got yelled at by the doctor for not going to the hospital earlier. Off to the hospital we went for what turned out to be the rest of the day. When I got there my contractions were coming two every 10 minutes, and the nurse said that although I wasn't progressing yet if they couldn't get them to stop something would probably start happening. They ran tests to make sure I wasn't dehydrated, had an infection, or in preterm labor. All tests came back negative, and after 3+ hours of laying in a hospital bed the contractions had stopped. And the diagnosis was ... drum roll please ... wait for it ... my OB said that I must have just had a "grumpy uterus" for the last couple days. W.T.F. Seriously. I mean really. Perhaps we are a little too laid back and my doctor is a little too overly cautious - but in the end I guess we are better safe than sorry. All I have to show for it is a jacked up swollen wrist from the nurse's first attempt at the IV. Oh and some hospital bracelets that Little Miss J thought were pretty neat.

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