Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Little Miss J has gotten to the age where she can play messenger between Gus and me, when necessary. And by necessary, I typically mean sheer laziness on one of our parts. Given, however, that she is only two years old, it often becomes a bit of a game of telephone and sometimes requires shouting through the hallway to figure out what the heck Gus (or I) really wants the other one to do. In hindsight, it typically becomes clear how Little Miss J had interpreted her instructions and how she went about trying to convey them and I usually end up telling her how smart she is.

On Saturday, while Gus was putting together Ikea furniture, she came running out of the room telling me, "Appah needs green box." What Appah needed was the grey box, which is the color of our toolbox. Yesterday, Gus was making Little Miss J's bed and I guess he had left the two pillowcases in the dryer. All I heard was Little Miss J say, "Umma has them." Then she comes into the living room and tells me, "Missing one in machine." I had no idea what she is talking about until she brings me to the dryer and bangs on it.

Two is hard with many meltdowns resulting from wanting to assert independence but not always having the skills to do the task, but it is so much fun watching Little Miss J learn how to communicate and convey her thoughts. After she got me to get the pillowcases out of the dryer and I told her she was smart, and her reply in a bored tone was ... "yeah, yeah, yeah," like she's heard it all before (which she has).

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