You are halfway baked. It would seem from your ultrasound that you have all the required parts and those kicks that I felt all. night. long. last night indicate you must be doing pretty well in there. Thankfully, the morning sickness seems to have gone away except for the rare occasion. The pregnancy insomnia rages on but it has allowed me to make some headway on your babty blanket.
Your big sister is sort of reveling in all the attention she is getting for being a big sister. We brought her to your ultrasound and while she wasn't really that interested in seeing you on the big screen, she was very interested in hearing everyone say "gradulations" (congratulations) at school when she informed them of her impending change in status.
Don't be surprised if you love Mike & Ikes when you get out. They seem to have become a regular food group during this pregnancy. Particularly the Redrageous ones, which are so good that I seriously think I had a rush of endorphins after eating them.
I continue to prep Little Miss J for your arrival. When pressed, she did say that she wouldn't hold your hand in the parking lot but she would sing to you. By the time you are walking through the parking lot, I assume she will have reconsidered her stance on hand holding. But you never know, she's awfully stubborn.
I am equally parts excited and terrified that we are halfway done with this phase. I'm excited to not be pregnant again (EVER), but I'm a bit terrified of what I am supposed to do with you once you get here. Probably the same stuff I did with your sister, which felt like nothing and was exhausting all at the same time. I was just telling your Appah that when your sister was born I was so excited to do all these things with my daughter like take her to the park, the zoo, etc. but really all you do is feed and change a baby. But trust me, it's much more fun when you get older. AND if your sister ever stops pooping in her underwear, we may finally get to go to Disneyland. At the rate she is progressing, it's looking like you will definitely be here before this happens. So you've also got that to look forward to!
your "I would kill for a cup of coffee right now" umma.
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21 weeks |
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