Wednesday, September 19, 2012

wordless wednesday


Wild Reed said...

Awesome. Nori wraps of some sort?

Wild Reed said...

Asian food reminds me of the other night when Matt cooked a stir fry. V pushed her plate away and said "no!" when she saw it. I told her it had lots of her favorites in it, including pineapple and zucchini. She still said no. I finally said, "well, you're gonna have to learn to like stir fry if you live in this house." no kidding ... she gave me one look, picked up her fork, took a couple bites, and said, "nummy!"

Nina B said...

We have wrapped rice in seaweed for her before and she loves it. This time we were having kimchi fried rice and gave her the packet of seaweed. She started making the roll herself. We were so impressed that she remembered us doing that for her.