Tuesday, January 10, 2012

15 months

Dear Little Miss J,
You are 15 months old today, and continue to be my little sunshine. You seem to have hit this phase where you are learning things so quickly - some things good and some things not so good.

The not so good - I mentioned to my Facebook friends that you have learned how to open up the front door and go outside on your own. At the very least you now know that you need shoes and a jacket on before leaving the house. When you decide you want to go outside, which is often, you bring me your coat and shoes so I can help you put them on. Unfortunately, you haven't quite learned that you need to be wearing pants to go outside. So often you can be seen running around the house in a diaper, a jacket, and your shoes. Last week while I was out walking the dog, I thought I had safely parked you in front of Sesame Street. But when Carl and I were walking back to the apartment, who did I see trucking down the sidewalk like she owned the joint? Now when I leave with the dog, the door gets locked.

The good - This weekend you learned two new words - "up" and "down" - and spent the good part of Sunday doing squats all the while saying "up and down." Daddy and I just love to hear your little voice. This morning you were sitting outside the shower with Carl jabbering away at him. Carl was nonplussed by all the banter, but you seemed pretty happy.

You've also been imitating things that you see Daddy or me or even Carl do. When Daddy is talking on his cell phone, you've go and get your toy phone and hold it to your ear. Last weekend when we were out to eat, you saw Daddy and Mommy dipping their naan and so you tried to dip yours in your cup of green beans before putting it in your mouth. You saw Carl lick my leg when I got out of the shower, and so this morning you got down on all fours and tentatively licked my leg, as well.

You are also quite helpful. You find tiny pieces of things in the carpet that really belong on the garbage. You've picked up Carl's food and now instead of eating it you place it back in his bowl one piece at a time. At the zoo you wanted to help push the stroller.
Your're still getting the hang of the steering part, obviously.

You get pretty frustrated when we don't understand what you want so your Daddy and I are trying to be very diligent about teaching you words. So far you know about eight words and six signs. Your favorite word is puppy - you really enjoy hugging and petting Carl. Carl might enjoy it less so, but you're lucky that he is such a nice dog.

Every once in awhile, I miss my cuddly little baby. But for the most part seeing you grow up and start to understand things is amazing beyond words. Daddy even said that some mornings when he thinks of you it makes him not want to go to work because he wants to stay home and play with you all day. You are the best thing and Mommy and Daddy love you so much.
