Wednesday, August 10, 2011

eat your words wednesday

Recently, there have been two occasions where I've felt the need to eat my words.

1) Toaster Ovens - When I moved in with Mr. Chunglund, he had this janky-ass toaster oven. It was discolored, kind of wobbly, and had burned on food inside of it. I hated that toaster oven. I regularly tried to rid our home of it. Finally, when we moved out our Minneapolis condo, he Recently, I caught myself thinking that I really wish I had a toaster oven. It's so hot in Arizona and using the oven just heats up the apartment. I wouldn't mind having a toaster oven to use instead. Of course I don't want a janky-ass toaster oven that Mr. Chunglund used to have - I'd like a nice, bright, brand spanking new one, thank you.

2) Sleeping Babies - There was a day when I could not wait to get Baby J into her crib and NOT sleeping in the bed with us. I lamented endlessly wondering when this would ever happen. In the last couple weeks, she has been great at self-soothing and getting herself to sleep in her crib at night. I find myself laying in bed missing her snuggled up next to me. Plus, when she was next to me I knew she was safe, comfortable, and was still breathing. Now I get up regularly to check on her, rotate her from sleeping crosswise in the crib, and make sure her little chest is going up and down. While I'm happy it has become so much easier to get Baby J to go to bed, I do miss our nights together. All a part of growing up.

1 comment:

Wild Reed said...

1) Thank you for allowing this to be the first time I've ever heard the phrase janky-ass.

2) I hear ya about missing Baby J. There's already stuff I miss that I never thought I would!

I simply must find a way to come visit you this winter. I miss you guys and can't wait to see Baby J again.