Thursday, July 25, 2019

thanks for the love, minnesota

We spent the first week in July on our annual pilgrimage to the homeland. I would venture to say it was one of the best trips home that we've ever had. I'm not sure what it was that made it so magical, but I'm happy to give it a shot.

Drove by my childhood home.
The weather was absolutely perfect. Except for that first night when it was so rainy and windy that the waves sunk my parents' boat, which I managed to sleep through.

We had a little family reunion with aunts, cousins, and kids of cousins. It feels like a long time since we've all been in the same place at the same time.

I saw both of my brothers, and forced them to take pictures with  me.

The kids got to spend some time with Uncle Charlie. The kids don't personally know anyone who smokes, so they were pretty fascinated, and had lots of questions, as well as pointing out that he should probably not do it. LOL.

He also took them fishing. He was so good with them, helping them bait the hook, cast, and take the fish off. Even Gus, who has never caught a fish in Lake Vermilion despite nearly 12 years of trying, managed to snag a bass.

I didn't swim 2.2 miles across a freezing cold lake. But, J1 got some swimming pointers from one of my favorites, Ms. Oz, and she got to help hand out medals to those who did swim across the freezing cold lake. Maybe next year we do a Gordy Rodby memorial swim. Any takers?

I saw lots of friends. Gus in all his social media fame, courtesy of yours truly, even got recognized by a former classmate at the liquor store.

J2 made some new "friends."

Sorry, Eli.
And, sorry Matthew.
Also after the fishing incident mentioned above J2 declared he was a vegetarian and I spent the rest of the vacation assuring him that his hot dog, bacon, chicken, and hamburger were indeed made out of vegetarian meat. I'm totally OK if he wants to be a vegetarian, but I was just not prepared for it on that vacation and had not stocked up on plant-based provisions. That said, when we arrived back in Sacramento and I was fully committed to purchasing him some plant-based meat, he decided that he'd go back to being an omnivore.

J1 got to enjoy her favorite holiday, 4th of July. When questioned as to why it was her favorite, I found out it is because she loves the parade and seeing so much family. Those are pretty good reasons, if you ask me.

The kids had lots of time with Uncle David.

J2 snuck into good old, EGHS. He said he got out before the security cameras caught him. LOL.

We even let Gus visit a friend or two.

It was a wonderful trip. At one point, I realized that I was so relaxed that my neck didn't even hurt. I am back at work, and unfortunately, it's back to hurting. It was nice while it lasted though.

Thanks, Minnesota. We'll see you next summer!

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