Friday, June 21, 2019

it's summer!

And it's HOT! And we're BUSY! Summer means that my saint of a mother-in-law keeps my household running smoothly and minimizes all domestic bickering by doing my laundry and keeping the house picked up. I love her.

We are on week 2 of very very limited screen time, i.e., you can only watch something if one of your parents is watching with you. I have no idea how this goes over all day long, but so far on the evenings and weekends it's been pretty successful. Although, J2 is now regularly asking Alexa to tell him fart jokes ... so perhaps an Alexa hiatus is next? To be fair, her jokes are kinda funny.

It's been non-stop swim meets since Memorial Day weekend. J2, who couldn't even make it across the pool last year, can manage a legal 25 free and 25 back. He even won his heat last week. Full disclosure - it was the slowest heat AND the other three or four kids had to have help getting across the pool. But whatever. He got out of the pool and was pretty excited that he WON!

This one, on the other hand, while she's been killing it in the pool, could definitely use a little attitude adjustment. She gets rather upset when she doesn't PR, but I mean she's my kid ... so, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. As a mom though, I'm trying to teach her to be better than me so I hate to see her stomping around after a good race. She could also be a little more receptive to constructive criticism, but again ... she's my kid. What I will say is that her work ethic is pretty stellar. She practices every day and bounces between soccer and swimming with little to no complaint. She tries hard and is coach-able, both good things.

I made it to the home state for a hot minute to celebrate my little cousin, Gianna, graduating from high school, where I was repeatedly asked by my little stepbrother about what I do for fun. See above. Swim meets. And figuring out who is going to what practice when and how they are going to get there. That's what I do for fun. But when I have less than 48 hours in Minnesota, I hang out with these two for fun.

And I got an extended visit with Jenn too! Thanks for the coffee, curling iron, and croissant.

There have also been plenty of pools, parks, and popsicles this summer. Some of us are living our best life.

All that "fun" and summer has just started. We're headed back to Minnesota at the end of the week to spend some time with Grandma and Papa at Lake Vermilion!

1 comment:

Scott, Nikki, Jacob and Nathan Sinclair said...

I haven't been on my actual blog site for a long time - this post cracked me up. My first born has been given all of my challenges as well. I can relate. I laughed about her stomping around after her meet. I received the McEnroe award at our senior year tennis banquet. (If you recall, John McEnroe had quite a temper). Keep on enjoying summer!