Friday, February 3, 2017

because this

Through all the madness. Actual madness. I've struggled with how to proceed with daily life. Like I get it. These are strange times we are living in. Limits, friendships, acquaintances are all being tested. We are learning things about people that maybe we hadn't previously discovered.

Am I to be on the front line at every protest, writing postcards to my representatives, signing every petition that pops up in my social media feed? And if I don't, am I somehow condoning the madness?

Or is it OK to just be barely keeping my head above water remembering lunch money, mass day, pajama day, dress like your 100-year old lady day ... and don't forget 80s day, grandparents day, and that you have to send in a recipe with photos of your child for the auction? Is it OK to be barely hanging on by a thread to the mundane amidst the chaos?

For what it's worth, I'm going to say, YES. It is OK. At least for me.

Because this ... a commencement address by Barbara Bush at Wellesley---where she says:

"But whatever the era, whatever the times, one thing will never change: Fathers and mothers, if you have children, they must come first. You must read to your children and you must hug your children and you must love your children. Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens in the White House but on what happens inside your house."

 It was re-posted in the Washington Post, so I'm just going to assume it's legit. Feel free to debunk.

Regardless of her political affiliation. THIS. It is not untrue. Gus and I, as parents, control the narrative in our household---not Huffington Post, Fox News, CNN, fill in the blank with your favorite (or most hated) news source.

We will continue to teach Kindness. Love. Honesty. Tolerance. Despite, or perhaps in spite of, the workings of the outside world at the moment. If/when the parade of horribles ensues, I fully intend to continue raising amazing human beings, who will persevere---break glass ceilings, show compassion for others, and respect differences. And if that parade of horribles makes my parenting job harder than it already is (dear Lord help me) I, too, will persevere in my quest to raise critical thinkers who can independently analyze each situation, incite thought provoking discussion, and solve problems.

For this to occur, I need to be here. With these people. This is not to say that I am not also with YOU and your resistance. With you, I am one voice of many. With them, I am the voice---the most important one. And for now, that is where I focus. It is truly what I can control and where I feel like I have the most influence for future success of this society. Or perhaps I'm delusional and think entirely too highly of my parenting skills. A definite possibility.

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