My sweetest J2,
At this point, we are closer to ten months than nine, but we've been on vacation and recovering from vacation so you will have to forgive me. Over the past month, developmentally, you have grown by leaps and bounds. Just before your baptism you weren't quite crawling, but over our two week Minnesota vacation you started crawling for real, pulling yourself up on things and cruising around the furniture. You even learned how to climb up stairs at Jenn's house, which means you can now get on and off your futon mattress. With your new found freedom, this is the view of you that I get most often. Plus it was easier to put the sticker on your back because when I put it on your tummy you insisted on pulling it off.

You have nearly six teeth in your gummy little mouth - four on top and two on the bottom. You've started eating more finger foods - strawberries, puffs, watermelon, carrots, and rice. At your nine month appointment you were 29 inches long and 21 lbs 12 oz. You are feeling like quite the little chunk when I have to carry you around.
You continue to be a smiley baby much to everyone's delight. Everytime you saw your Grandma Amy, you gave her a toothy smile. I think my favorite face lately though is when you give me that impish little closed mouthed grin. You are so ticklish and I love hearing your little laugh. Your Appah has started brushing your teeth and in true J2 fashion, you take the poking and prodding like the chill little dude that you are. You've taken more interest in Carl lately. Just like your sister, you are after the rawhide, and the other day I saw you with dog food clutched in your chubby little hand.

As I see you standing up and cruising around, I am struck by the fact that you are turning into a big boy. My days of a snuggly baby boy are numbered. First birthday party planning is on the horizon. While with your sister, the first nine months was a mess of emotions, tears, breakdowns, etc. With you, I'm not quite sure where the last nine (almost ten) months has gone. I continue to enjoy each and every day with you. You truly make me happy when skies are gray.