Tuesday, August 25, 2020

day 163?

 I lose track and depend on @sharynesque's IG to remind me what day of pandemic-life we are on ... since her last update on Day 162 was 19 hours ago, I'm going with today is Day 163. OMG. 

Our days, weeks, and months have been a sea of "this is kind of fun and we're getting lots of family time" to "can we please go somewhere, anywhere?" and then devolving into endless days of watching reality television garbage, which admittedly is kind of fun. I recommend Southern Charm and Married at First Sight, in case you need suggestions. 

Pandemic life has forced us to be creative ...

Sunday communion = Michael David Cabernet and saltines 

At-home wine tasting. 

Backyard Disneyland complete with "rides."

We got desperate enough for a summer "vacation" that we braved the elements and went camping. In a tent. Gasp. Not just once. BUT TWICE. Both kids have said it is their favorite thing we've done this summer, which may not be saying a whole lot given the circumstances. 

Suffice it to say, we are hanging in there. By a mere thread but still. The kids got a bit of normalcy when swim team and soccer resumed and I at least got my annual Dairy Queen. 

Gus ate some vegan nonsense faux Top the Tater and has subsequently decided he is transitioning back to the omnivore life. 

Plant-Based French Onion Dip | abillionveg

Summer is over. Distance learning has re-commenced. I can certainly see why 4th grade was always my mom's favorite grade to teach. And J2? Well, that's an entire blog entry unto itself. Suffice it to say, his favorite thing is to push boundaries and test patience. He's currently on the path to being the first student expelled from our little home schooling project. Sigh. 

And yet, we persevere. For now. 

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