Friday, March 23, 2018

this is 40

I'm 40! Eeeeek! I don't even know what it means. Does it mean I have to start shopping at Chico's? And wearing clogs, like my mom?


It means you have become wise enough and vulnerable enough to let some incredible women into your life. The ones that video chat serenade you happy birthday first thing in the morning. The ones who call you just to let you know that they are thinking of you and text you to make sure you are OK when they know you've been through so much this year. The ones that swoop you up and take you to lunch and let you cry. The ones who make sure you have the perfect red lipstick and adorable shoes.

these ones!
It also means that you have found a group of friends that support you as you continue to see just what your 40 year-old body can do. Running hills, climbing stairs, running fast, marathoning, and next up ... ultra marathoning. (YIKES!) These are the girls that will get up at 5:30 to punch and kick things in celebration of your 40th year ... and they won't forget the champagne!

More than anything, it means family. I, with a little help from Gus, have managed to create the perfect little family. Perhaps not all that photogenic, but perfect nonetheless.

And finally, Gus pulled off a brilliant and swanky birthday dinner with all my nearest and dearest.

Cheers to 40 years for this lucky girl! Thanks to everyone that helped celebrate. We did it well, if I do say so myself.

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