Friday, December 8, 2017

J1 is seven!

My dearest J1,

I am so far behind on blogging. It has become a slippery slope and I am close to just giving up. But I won't. For you. I can't leave you hanging on your 7th birthday!

You will always hold a special place in my heart. You are my first child. The one who made me mom. I remember the first time you rolled over and told me that you loved me. Oh the gratification! After months and months of being your round the clock all you can eat buffet, bouncing you to sleep, wearing your little ass all over town on hikes on shopping trips---all the damn time, I was finally rewarded with some reciprocation on your part. I (and perhaps you) definitely turned a corner that night.

Since those days of non-stop crying and eating, you appear to have committed to a trajectory of being the reasonable person (when compared with the conduct of other children of similar age, experience, and intelligence---indulge me in a little lawyer humor, if you will), being excellent, being hilarious, being one of my all time favorite human beings on this planet (which of course, could be because you are my mini-me). I am not surprised when your behavior chart comes home nearly every day with excellent---nor was I surprised that your report card was outstanding. Of course, neither were you. You told me that you couldn't wait to get it because you knew it was going to be amazing.

You are unbelievably kind and thoughtful, not just for a kid, but for a human being in general. I am always proud to hear that you make good choices when you are with others. As much as you want to tell me about your day---you always take the time to ask me how mine was too. And as much as you think you need me, I need you just as much. You are such a bright spot in my life and I am so blessed to be your umma. You are also direct. Very direct. Which I guess is not surprising---given who your parents are.

I know sometimes it's hard being a kid. Grown ups are always telling you what to do ... brush your teeth, clean your room, hurry up. You, my dear, are doing a fantastic job. I am impressed with your self-confidence and your willingness to try everything whether it is a new activity or a new food. I am most impressed with your sense of self. You know who you are. I hope you never ever lose that and I will do everything I can to foster it because it will serve you well for the remainder of your life.

I guess that's mostly it. Just keep being awesome and do great things. I know you will. Dream big and fly high because I will always be here for a soft landing.

I love you more than there are stars in the sky.

Xx, Umma

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