My dear sweet almost 1 year old boy,
You will be one year old tomorrow! Twelve months ago, I was in the hopsital with contractions every 4 minutes and your Appah and I were strategizing how we were going to get the nurse to check us into the hospital and not send us home.
Perhaps if I hold you tight enough you can stay mommy's little baby and as Little Miss J says, "today is[n't] tomorrow," quite yet. Not only are you walking, but you've got quite the bowlegged little run going on. It's a bit drunken sailor, but I'm hoping you'll get that worked out shortly.
You were/are the perfect addition to our little family. You're laid back and chillaxed to balance out your sister's high-strong attention whore-ish behavior. But since you are doing everything for the first time, you tend to get the lionshare of the attention simply for being adorably cute the first time you do anything. You play with balls and cars and anything that your sister is playing with. You are still such a good sleeper. You go down between 8-9 p.m. and don't get up until 5-6 a.m. Please do not ever stop doing this. Well, you could stop doing the getting up at the crack of dawn, but if you are going to keep sleeping all night I will let it go for now.

I was unsure about babies in general and baby boys specifically, but you came out (much more easily than your sister, I might add) and completely and utterly stole my heart with your perfect little baby face. As a sidenote, your face was so perfect that all the nurses thought you were a C-section baby. That face and the fact that you actually slept in the hospital and in the swing at home unlike your female counterpart, who screamed so much in the hospital, Appah asked anyone who would listen what was wrong with our baby. He was not impressed when someone suggested that this might just be Little Miss J's personality, but as it turns out that person may have been correct. But anyway, the past twelve months have been a complete joy - and after returning to work not a week went by when I didn't wish I was still on maternity leave hanging out at home with you. Again, partly because you slept quite a bit during that time and I got to watch three seasons of Kiefer Sutherland in 24. You were just what my exhausted mommy soul needed.
see! not kidding about the perfect face! |
With the newfound mobility, however, you are one busy busy boy - running around the house climbing on things. You love to climb - on the couch, off the couch, on your sister's bed, off your sister's bed, off our bed, etc. Climbing seems to be your thing. This is rather unfortunate for your overly protective, tad bit crazy, faint of heart mama.
Tonight as a snuggle you to sleep, I intend to pay special reverence to the impending end of your babyhood. We will giggle and smile and I will kiss your chubby little hands and hug you oh so tight! Because no matter how much I wish you could stay a baby, I am equally as excited to continue to see your personality develop and do things (all the things) for the first time. Looking forward to more peek-a-boo, kisses, smiles and giggles and all the other amazing things I anticipate you will do as you grow up!
Love you 'til the end,
Your Umma