Friday, April 15, 2011

let's go to the movies

We brought Baby J to her first Baby's Night Out movie at the UltraStar Cinema in Scottsdale. It's really more for parents than babies. The third Thursday of every  month, one theater is reserved for moviegoers to bring babies - crying, feeding, and diaper changing expected! Baby J managed to meet expectations by both crying and eating. Fortunately, no diaper changing was needed. There were two other couples there with little ones and it really wasn't all that surprising when Baby J was the loudest one there by 100 percent. I don't even think I heard the other two babies make a peep. But after managing to guzzle 8 ounces of milk, Baby J continued to cry so Mr. Chunglund walked around with her at the back of the theater until she went to sleep. After which, she did a good job of sleeping through the rest of the move and the car ride home.

The Recap -

Theater - SUPER NICE. You could order food off a menu throughout the movie and a server would bring it for you to eat off trays that fold down from the back of the seat in front of you airplane-style. Each seat is equipped with a call button for when you are ready to place your order or need something.

Movie - Source Code. The description I read was pretty much right on - it's a science fiction Groundhog Day. I hated Groundhog Day and liked this movie only marginally better. Mr. Chunglund, who loves both Groundhog Day and science fiction, thought it was pretty good. Definitely not a movie that I would have chosen to see, but that is the movie the cinema selected as Baby's Night Out movie so I went with it.

Baby's Night Out - It's a nice idea. Although we didn't bring our stroller in there was plenty of room for stroller parking. Because they serve food, the seating is clustered and there are wide aisles throughout. The movie volume is reduced and there were supposedly changing facilities in the auditorium although I didn't see them and as luck would have it didn't have to use them. One of the best parts? Tickets were only $5.50. The only real downside is that the cinema pre-picks the movie that is going to be shown, which is why we ended up watching Source Code. See above.

Overall, it is probably an adventure we would take again. We don't really know anyone to babysit so it was nice to be able to go see a movie with Baby J!

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