Yesterday was the Thanksgiving feast at Little Miss J's school. I signed up to help in the kitchen to work off my indentured servitude parent hours - so I slung mashed potatoes for a little less than an hour before I went to get Little Miss J from the classroom and have lunch with her. She was so excited to have mom at school with her.
Since school closed at 2:00, I decided to take the remainder of the day off. I was thinking I would have time to run some errands, but instead decided to take Little Miss J to the movies. Before the movie we, however, managed to pick out a Christmas present for Appah. When I asked what we should get him, she said, "Something blue that is good for adults." Ummm ... a bottle of Sky Vodka? We ended up narrowing it down to a "blue play shirt," also known as a blue shirt that isn't for work. I let her pick it out and boy, does that kid have expensive taste. Thankfully, I managed to talk her down from the $90 Ralph Lauren polo shirt. IT'S JUST A POLO SHIRT, PEOPLE! During the movie, I managed to make some good headway on one of the scarves I'm knitting as a Christmas gift for a special someone, who sometimes reads this blog, so shall remain nameless - and no, it's not Gus.
After the movie, since I wasn't sure on the proper etiquette of bringing your 5 year old to happy hour, we settled on a snack at Ambrosia. Then we headed back to the office for about an hour until Gus was done working. I put my little assistant to work!
It was the best day just spending it with my little girl. She is always asking why I don't come help out at school, and the real answer is because I'M WORKING! My boss is so good about letting me sneak out to do stuff with the kids though. He's a real family man himself.
At no point during the remainder of my lifetime on this earth, will I ever look back and wished I spent more time chained to the desk in my office (at least I got a stand up desk). Little Miss J and I had the best day together, and I wouldn't have traded it for a larger bonus, more recognition at work, a promotion, or pretty much anything else (except maybe winning Mega Millions?).