Creature comforts or not, Little Miss J had the time of her life. Here you can see she is inspecting Dad's tent pitching work.
Once she had certified the structural integrity of the tent, it was time to get inside and run around in circles and back and forth because it was so SPACIOUS!
Other highlights for Little Miss J included playing in the dirt, lots of playing in the dirt. At one point she even stuck her fork in the dirt and shoveled a forkful of dirt/sand into her little mouth. By the end of the evening she was so dirty that I didn't even want to touch her. Seriously. We also tried for a little hike, but Little Miss J was uncooperative because being up so high meant she was so very far away from her beloved dirt.We grilled steaks in the evening and when it got dark there was a campfire. Each time I told Little Miss J that the fire was HOT and to not touch it, she would lean in and try to blow it out. It was so cute. I wish I had a picture of it.
The wind picked up at night, the temps dropped, and the rain came in v. early in the morning. Carl was so freaked out by the weather, I'm not sure he slept all night (which is why he was sacked out all day when we finally made it home). When I woke to the tent being whipped around by the wind with rain pouring down, I tried to convince myself that I really didn't have to pee and began praying for daylight so we could get the heck out of there. First thing in the morning, we started breaking down camp in the rain. To keep Little Miss J out of the dirt she is so fond of, I finally had to sit in the truck with her and the dog and let Gus finish taking down the tent. Apparently, Little Miss J thought she needed to light a fire under Dad's butt because she kept honking the horn at him.
We survived